Male Sex Survey
Our curiosity has finally gotten the best of us and we have decided to give Dr. Kinsey a run for his money. We have contrived a concise survey to determine the exact sexual behavior patterns of gay males in our area. Our questions are candid, and we hop you will be courageous and generous enough to participate. All responses should be anonymous. Completed questionnaires may be clipped from this paper and mailed to High Gear, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.
The results of our survey will be published in our next issue. Please answer the following questions as accurately as possible: 1Do you have sex
A. Usually with the same person
B. Usually with various people.
C. Mostly with the same person, but occasionally with others.
D. Other
A. Yes
C. No
B. Sometimes
Are fantasies important in your sexual activity?
Do you more often
A. Initiate sex with others
B. Let others initiate sex with you.
In general are you
A. Shy
B. Stoic
C. Aggressive
Do you customarily find sex
B. At the baths
A. At a bar or disco
C. Gay parties or social function's
E. At public places (Edgewater Park, The Mall)
F. With a lover or friend
D. Through friends
Would you participate in sex with more than one person at a time? Do you prefer sex with
A. A certain physical "type."
B. Many physical "types." Other (explain)
Do you have sex with another person:
A. Once a week
B. Twice a week
C. Less than once a week
How frequently do you masturbate alone?
A. Once a week
B. Twice a week
C. Less than once a week
List two or three of the following sexual activities in
the order of your preference:
A. Body massage
B. Oral or facial exploration of body orifices
C. Thrusting or rubbing one's body against another. D. Kissing
E. Fellatio
F. Anal intercourse
Other (explain)
By which of the above are you most likely to climax? Which of the above do you enjoy least?
List two or three of the following scenarios in the order of your preference:
A. Bondage
B. Light or elaborate sadism
C. Light or elaborate masochism
D. Wrestling
G. Elsewhere (explain)-
Which part of the male
physique excites you the most.
Which of the above do you prefer least?
If you have any further comments please include them here:
Page 15
KENT The Kent Gay Liberation Front is again spon soring its annual Hallowee dance. This year the theme wil be a colonial one in accordance with the Bicentennial, "I Cannot Tell A Lie." The dance is scheduled for Tuesday, Octobe 28 in the KSU Ballroom. More in formation may be obtained fron the KGLF office, room 233 in the Student Center (672-2068).
The last KGLF Halloweer dance was the most successfu campus dance of the entire year As a result the student govern. ment has provided some finan. cial backing. Proceeds from the donation at the door will help finance a workshop slated for Tentative April 4-6, 1976. speakers at the workshop include Elaine Noble (first openly gay person elected to a state of. fice in Massachusetts) and Sgt. Leonard Matlovich.
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